How Atticus Finch Proves He Is A Good Father

Good fathers love their children and are willing to discipline them when they behave badly. He doesn’t reward children who do what is expected. Atticus, Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird is an example of a father who does the right thing. Scout and Jem find him a great role-model. Atticus is protective of his children, and he loves them. Throughout the novel, Atticus teaches his children many valuable lessons. Atticus might make mistakes as parents, but overall he’s a great father.

Atticus, Scout and Jem’s role model throughout the story, is shown throughout. Atticus stands up for the cause he believes. Even though many white neighbors were against Atticus’ support of Tom Robinson, an African American, Atticus was able to stand up for Tom Robinson in courtrooms. Mr. Link Dias states, “-Don’t see how you touched it.” Atticus has everything to lose. Atticus responds that I mean everything. Atticus acts the same for everyone, which is another great example of his role model. Scout hears Miss Maudie say that Atticus Finch behaves the exact same way inside and outside of his home. Scout and Jem will be influenced by this important characteristic of Atticus. This is an important trait Atticus has, especially for influencing Scout and Jem. Scout, Jem and Dill see Atticus in jail being harassed at his hands by the mob. Atticus was aware that the children were too unsafe to remain there so he did his best to protect them. Atticus went home with Scout, Dill, and Jem. Atticus shows his love for his children by spending time with them. Atticus tells Scout she told him she was tired of going to school and that she’d been getting in trouble for not being literate. It’s a bargain? Atticus was not able teach Scout, so Scout must learn at home. Scout learned from Atticus that it was okay for Scout to do what she likes, and that it’s okay to read every day. He did it because of his love for Scout and what is best.

Scout and Jem learn many valuable lessons from Atticus. One lesson Atticus teaches is that you shouldn’t judge books by their covers. Scout told us that it was possible to learn simple tricks and get along better with people from all walks of life. Atticus is a great example of this lesson, particularly since he was there to support Tom Robinson’s trial. Scout learns another lesson from Atticus: Don’t be too conceited. “Atticus had suggested that people should talk about what they’re interested, not about what it is.” (Lee205). This is a valuable lesson that children should learn so that they grow up to be the best possible person. explains that parents need to “Explain that empathy is the ability or perception to perceive the feelings and perspectives and use that sense as an indicator in relationships.” Scout was taught this important life lesson by Atticus.

Atticus makes mistakes, but overall he’s a great dad. He is a strong role model for Scout’s and Jem by loving and protecting his children. Finally, he also teaches the children important lessons throughout The Book. Although some may not agree with Atticus’ parenting style, they are proud of his love for his children.


  • davidwong

    David Wong is a 29-year-old educator and blogger who focuses on helping students learn in creative and interesting ways. He has a background in teaching and has been blogging since 2006. David's work has been featured on a variety of websites, including Lifehack, Dumb Little Man, and The Huffington Post.