Umass Lowell Enrollment Hits Record High!

Umass Lowell is a thriving university located in the heart of Massachusetts, offering a diverse range of academic programs and opportunities for its students. With a strong focus on research and innovation, the university has gained recognition for its academic excellence and commitment to student success. As we take a closer look at this prestigious institution, one question arises – what is the size of the student population at UMass Lowell? In this article, we will explore the total enrollment, number of students, and enrollment statistics at UMass Lowell, providing insights into the growth and diversity of its student body.

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Student Population at UMass Lowell

UMass Lowell is a public research university located in Lowell, Massachusetts. As of Fall 2021, the total enrollment at UMass Lowell is approximately 18,000 students. This includes undergraduate, graduate, and online students from all 50 states and over 60 countries. The university has a diverse student body, with students from various backgrounds and cultures.

Total Enrollment at UMass Lowell

The total enrollment at UMass Lowell has been steadily increasing over the years. In Fall 2020, the university reported a total enrollment of 18,663 students, which was a 2% increase from the previous year. This growth can be attributed to the university’s commitment to providing high-quality education and its reputation as a top-tier research institution.

UMass Lowell offers over 130 undergraduate and graduate programs through its six colleges: College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; Manning School of Business; Kennedy College of Sciences; Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences; Francis College of Engineering; and the Graduate School of Education. The diverse range of programs attracts students from different academic backgrounds, making UMass Lowell a popular choice for many students.

Number of Students at UMass Lowell

The number of students at UMass Lowell can be broken down into different categories, including undergraduate, graduate, and online students. The following are the current enrollment statistics for each category:

Undergraduate Students

The undergraduate student population at UMass Lowell is the largest, accounting for approximately 70% of the total student body. In Fall 2020, the university reported a total of 13,191 undergraduate students, and this number has been steadily increasing over the years. The university offers a variety of majors and minors, as well as opportunities for hands-on learning and research, making it an attractive choice for undergraduate students.

Graduate Students

UMass Lowell also has a significant number of graduate students, with over 4,500 enrolled in Fall 2020. The university offers more than 80 graduate programs, including master’s, doctoral, and certificate programs. These programs are designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their chosen fields. Graduate students at UMass Lowell also have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources to support their research and academic pursuits.

Online Students

In addition to its on-campus programs, UMass Lowell also offers a variety of online programs for students who prefer a more flexible learning environment. In Fall 2020, the university reported a total of 3,045 online students, making up approximately 17% of the total student population. Online students have the opportunity to earn degrees in various fields, including business, education, engineering, and criminal justice, among others.

UMass Lowell Student Count

The UMass Lowell student count includes all undergraduate, graduate, and online students. It is worth noting that the university’s student count can fluctuate each year due to incoming and outgoing students, as well as students taking time off from their studies. However, overall, UMass Lowell has experienced consistent growth in its student count over the years.

According to the latest enrollment statistics, the undergraduate student count stands at 13,191, while the graduate student count is 4,512. These two categories make up the majority of the student population at UMass Lowell. Additionally, there are 3,045 online students, bringing the total student count to 18,748.

The UMass Lowell student count also includes non-traditional students, such as adult learners and international students. These students add to the diversity of the student body and contribute to the university’s inclusive and welcoming community.

Enrollment Statistics at UMass Lowell

The enrollment statistics at UMass Lowell can provide valuable insights into the university’s growth and the changing demographics of its student population. The following are some key enrollment statistics for UMass Lowell:

Gender Diversity

In Fall 2020, UMass Lowell had a fairly balanced gender distribution, with 52% male students and 48% female students. The university has been actively working towards increasing gender diversity on campus by promoting women in STEM fields and creating a supportive and inclusive environment for all students.

Racial and Ethnic Diversity

UMass Lowell also has a diverse student body in terms of race and ethnicity. In Fall 2020, the university reported that 22% of students identified as Asian, 17% as Hispanic or Latino, 4% as Black or African American, and 3% as multiracial. Additionally, 48% of students identified as White, while 6% did not report their race or ethnicity. The university’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is reflected in these enrollment statistics.

Retention and Graduation Rates

UMass Lowell prides itself on providing a high-quality education and supporting its students throughout their academic journey. This is evident in the university’s retention and graduation rates, which have been consistently improving over the years.

In Fall 2020, the first-year retention rate for full-time, first-time undergraduate students was 87%, while the six-year graduation rate was 61%. These rates demonstrate the university’s efforts in helping students succeed and achieve their academic goals.

How Many Students at UMass Lowell

For more information on the student population and enrollment statistics at UMass Lowell, you can visit the Educause Library website. The site provides detailed data on various universities across the United States, including UMass Lowell. By simply searching “UMass Lowell” on the website, you can access a wealth of information, such as enrollment history, demographics, and retention rates, among others.

In Conclusion

The student population at UMass Lowell continues to grow and diversify, making it an exciting and dynamic place to study. With its commitment to providing high-quality education, promoting diversity and inclusion, and supporting students in their academic journey, UMass Lowell is a top choice for many students looking to further their education. As the university continues to expand its programs and resources, we can expect to see even more growth in its student population in the years to come.

In conclusion, the student population at UMass Lowell continues to grow and thrive, with a total enrollment of over 18,000 students. This number is a testament to the university’s commitment to providing high-quality education and opportunities for its students. The enrollment statistics at UMass Lowell also reflect the diverse and inclusive community on campus, with students from all backgrounds and walks of life. As the university continues to expand and improve, it is clear that UMass Lowell will continue to be an attractive choice for students seeking a top-notch education in a supportive and dynamic environment.


  • davidwong

    David Wong is a 29-year-old educator and blogger who focuses on helping students learn in creative and interesting ways. He has a background in teaching and has been blogging since 2006. David's work has been featured on a variety of websites, including Lifehack, Dumb Little Man, and The Huffington Post.